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Are you or someone you know going through a tough time – emotionally or spiritually? Struggling with a crisis in life? Or simply feeling down?

Compassionate, Confidential, Christ-Centered Companionship

is just a phone call away!

Who Do I Call?

If you would like to discuss the possibility of having a Stephen Minister care for you, please contact Sue Eldon at 919-454-5669 or

If someone you know is facing a crisis— large or small—and could benefit from the caring presence of a Stephen Minis- ter please talk to your pastor or contact Sue Eldon at 919-454-5669 or

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How do I know if I should call?

If you are facing a challenge you can’t deal with on your own, or if you find yourself wearing out your friends and family with your problems, a Stephen Minister might be just right for you.


Stephen Ministers are equipped to walk with you through problems large and small. These companions are trained, compassionate, confidential, Christ-centered companions who will gladly walk alongside you for as long as you need a listening ear.

What should I expect?

When you call Pastor Sue, she will schedule a time to meet with you in person, learn of your situation, and answer any questions you may have about Walking Alongside. If you agree to have a Companion, she will review the Agreement to Receive Care with you. She will then review the list of available Companions and determine who would make the best match based on a variety of factors. After prayerful consideration, she will notify you. Typically, a pairing may take one to two days. You will have the chance to bring up any issues or concerns before anything is finalized and the relationship begins.

Once a Companion is chosen, that person will call you to set up your first meeting. Together, you will decide on the best day and time, as well as the location. At the first meeting you will have the opportunity to begin building a strong, compassionate, confidential, Christ-centered relationship with your Companion.

To learn more about what to expect click here.

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