How to Relate to Those Who are Suffering
Tuesday Evenings in October, starting October 4th
6:30 – 8:00 at Bethel United Methodist Church
Sponsored and led by Walking Alongside Stephen Ministry

Dear God, I wish everything about relationships were easier. Sometimes I wish You would hurry up and finish perfecting me so I would always know what to do or say when someone needs comfort... But I know better. Thank you for being with me in real life, for helping me grow. Amen. (Haugk, 13)
When people are suffering, we are often at a loss for what to say or do.
How can we relate to them in ways that will ease their pain and show we care?
How do we avoid adding to their burden?
Kenneth C. Haugk’s book, Don't Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart, provides definitive answers to these types of challenging questions. Beginning with the author’s own personal experience, this book draws on extensive research with more than 4000 people who have known suffering, offering specific insights, suggestions, and examples of what to say and do – and what not to say or do.
Built on a strong biblical foundation and filled with practical ideas, this four-week study, which is open to all, will help you find the words and actions to bring God's loving presence to hurting people when they need it most.
Learn more about the book:
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To sign up, contact Sue Eldon at or 919-454-5669 (call or text). Books are $10 if purchased through Walking Alongside. Please read the first three chapters in preparation for our first meeting on Tuesday, October 4th at 6:30 pm.